Interview on the Courageous and Kind Podcast

Wow!! A new year and another NEW media experience for me~ my 1st ever podcast is up and ready to come your way with the help of not only an amazing friend, Jessica Dyckman, but the whole team she leads at The Courageous & Kind Project! We are all so much better TOGETHER! Throw your headphones on and head out for a walk or break up rush hour with a little truth and more.

I pray that this collaboration moves YOU to join in to making Jesus’ Name great and known even more in 2020, adding YOUR VOICE, too! Jesus qualifies you; what are you waiting for? We need to quit striving to carve out our space, trying to make our own names known; but rather join together to champion the only NAME, above all names! There’s a whole lotta peace & joy in this space. Consider passing this along to another who you’d like to encourage.

‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I’d love to hear your feedback after listening. What topics and issues do you want to hear more of from me?

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